Hi there!
My preferred first name is Carol, and I am a 12th grade high school student graduating from Wuxi Big Bridge Academy AP Class. 🙂
- HOYA-2nd largest lens manufacturer in the world
My internship there for 2 weeks. The factory looks so big.
Academic Study
- UPenn Summer Academy
Photo with Dr.Wang…
Volunteer & Charity Work
- Organized Deaf Basketball tournaments with Wuxi Blind Association
- Held Blind Singing Competition
- Launched Wuxi Local Intangible Cultural Heritage Project
- Organized the annual club exhibition
- Taught basic astrophysics knowledge to schoolchildren of local community
Model United Nation
- Debated in the Post-War Rebuilding MUN for competition
- American Math Competition (AMC10)-139.5/150 Distinction Honor Roll (top 1% )
- AIME-8/15 Qualified for USAMO
- HiMCM-Honorable Mention
- BPho(British Physics Olympiad)-Bronze I
- Physics Bowl-23/40 Division1 National Bronze Medal (top 35%)
- IoT Design Analysis Research about smart home assistant
- HK Yantianzi Village Revitalization